Business as unusual
better reflects the dynamic circumstances organisations around the world are facing post-COVID 19. The current global context – today – calls for a different approach – an approach that deals with what is happening worldwide but one which will also deal with the residual and possibly permanent effects that are unfolding.
Resiliency and the changing nature of work
Technology is changing how and where people work and the terms on which they work. At The Culver Group Inc, we have been leapfrogging to keep up, converting face to face programmes into interactive, virtual collaborations, connecting our groups from around the world. We are Zooming, MSTeaming, Skyping at all hours of the day and night in multiple time zones. We are investing in innovative software, designing creative collaboration sessions with Miro and creating connected learning spaces on digital transformation for learning platforms such as Claned. We are shifting to online collaborative workspaces to enable critical and creative thinking, brainstorming, analysis and project management. As we have seen during this COVID-19 crisis, these types of virtual tools are needed now more than ever.
Uncertainty calls for urgent agility
As countries tackle the widening income disparity, environmental issues, employment, education, security and gender inequality, the impact of the current pandemic is having a profound effect on the global economy. Collaboration, co-creating and co-production are needed to achieve faster and more impactful outcomes. Governments, businesses and civil society need to adapt quickly to bring a wider range of perspectives into policy decisions and implementation. Emergencies, in particular, cause governments to step up their rates of intervention and creative thinking grounded in human-centred policies.