We are a global business.
We have been honoured and privileged to work in many places around the world.
These exciting experiences have enabled us to gain insight, awareness and understanding of many places, people and cultures.
Our executive coaching and consulting opportunities have been with clients at national, regional and international levels including companies, countries, international development institutions, and NGOs.
See some of our COACHING adventures and experiences below:
Governance and Policy Speaker, Coach and Trainer – Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Governance, policy dialogue, risk management speaking, coaching and facilitation
Leadership, Innovation and Best Practices Coach – UNFPA Namibia
UNFPA Country Office keynote work captured how using innovative programming, building strategic partnerships through leadership and political capital could leapfrog an unfinished agenda in Namibia, maximizing the reach to those furthest behind in an upper MIC.
UN HLPF Mauritius Voluntary National Review Advisor – United Nations
United Nations Development Programme collaboration with Government of Mauritius, private sector, NGOs, academia and other stakeholders to prepare and present the Voluntary National Review Report and on the Sustainable Development Goals, outlining progress made on each goal, for presentation by the Prime Minister at the UN High Level Political Forum in New York in July 2019.
Technical Expert — Mauritius
Mauritius on a 12-month residency as a Commonwealth Technical Expert advising the Government of Mauritius as it develops and implements an enterprise-wide Public Sector Business Transformation Strategy and Implementation Plan.
Action Learning Coach — Barbados
Barbados as an Action Learning Coach and Speaker providing guidance to the Caribbean Region Learning Needs Assessment Team on a business-driven action learning project sponsored by the Caribbean Leadership Project and the Government of Saint Lucia
Public Service Learning — Belize
Belize helping to create a Public Service Learning and Research Centre for the Government of Belize (a project led by the Management Institute for National Development in Jamaica)
Technical Expert — Saint Lucia
Saint Lucia as a technical expert for the Commonwealth Secretariat on public sector transformation and strengthening human resource management and development capacity of the Ministry of Health in Saint Lucia (6-month residency)
Project Consultant — Antigua & Barbuda
Antigua and Barbuda as a project consultant on public sector transformation sponsored by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Some of our other adventures
Kelly has been a featured speaker at a number of Commonwealth Association for Public Administration and Management (CAPAM) conferences including:
CAPAM Biennial Conference on Innovation, A Public Service Imperative in Putrajaya, Malaysia 2016 – Session Speaker on Preparing Executive Leaders to Support Innovation by Responding with Positive Disruption
CAPAM Africa Regional Conference on Leading for Results, Realizing the Vision in Nairobi, Kenya, 2011 - Session Speaker on Workforce Planning as a Leading Recruitment and Retention Practice.
CAPAM Biennial Conference on Building a Common Future: Global Challenges, Local Responses, Malta, 2010 - Chair, Concurrent Session Cultivating Excellence through Human Resource Performance Management.
CAPAM Conference on Governance Excellence: Managing Human Potential in Arusha, Tanzania, 2009 – Panelist for the Plenary Session on Recruitment and Selection in the Public Service and Session Speaker on Recruitment and Selection in the Public Service