Action Learning
A problem is a positive thing. It is an opportunity to learn, grow and develop. Significant learning is not possible without a problem; we cannot develop our skills, and in particular, our leadership skills, without some kind of challenge.
Action Learning is a tool gaining traction in many organizations for solving their critical and complex problems. It is a process that involves a small group of people working on real problems in real time and learning as individuals, as a team, and as an organization along the way. It is about reflecting on actions and developing solutions as a team. It is a fantastic way for organizations to come together to solve problems, where everyone involved is on a level playing field. It has the power to transform the capacity of organizations to build leadership, innovation and expertise in developing break-through strategies.
Action Learning is centred on a problem, challenge, opportunity or issue which has high importance, significance or sense of urgency to an organization. The problem is tackled by a small team with diverse backgrounds, representing different points of view within the organization so that the issue is viewed through a new or non-traditional lens. Working through a process of insightful questioning, reflective listening and guided by an Action Learning Coach, the team develops actions and breakthrough strategies. This approach, used in both public and private sector organizations, has been proven to develop critical leadership competencies, build powerful teams, enhance systems thinking and create cultures that can quickly adapt to change and transformation. It promotes continuous learning. Ultimately, it enables a fearless passion for questioning, allowing innovation to flourish and grow.
Kelly is a member of the 2016 Advisory Board for World Institute for Action Learning (WIAL) Caribbean, where she is advising on support services for Certified Action Learning Coaches.